Company Information
UCHINO Corporate Vision
Gentle on the environment, people and skin
Through high-quality products and services, including cotton materials,
Beautyとhealthyとrelaxationto people all over the world,
We contribute to a stress-free society.
International Global Compact
The United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) is a voluntary initiative in which companies and organizations participate in creating a global framework for achieving sustainable growth. Companies and organizations that sign the UNGC agree with the 2020 principles related to the protection of human rights, the elimination of unfair labor practices, environmental protection, and the prevention of corruption, and continue to work toward their realization. In February 2, we announced our support for the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), advocated by the United Nations. As a UNGC signatory, we will promote activities based on the 10 principles related to "human rights," "labor," "environment," and "anti-corruption," and contribute to creating a sustainable society.
For the future
UCHINO is sustainable
Towards a bright future
What to do
Proposals for beauty, health and relaxation
We develop materials and products that feel good for both the mind and body, and deliver beauty, health, and relaxation to people all over the world.
Material development for UCHINO Smart Cotton
By utilizing our outstanding techniques and the latest technology, we will develop high-quality cotton materials that are "light and soft," comfortable to wear, and highly functional.
Development of wearable skin care products
We will develop and manufacture products that reduce skin stress and bring out beauty of the body and mind and a positive attitude.
Development of products that contribute to improving QOL (Quality of Life)
We support good sleep, which is the foundation of mental and physical health. We also develop and manufacture products that improve the balance of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, enhancing happiness.
Developing products for those with sensitive skin
We believe that skin problems can be alleviated through materials, and we actively incorporate the knowledge of experts and the opinions of our customers in our pursuit of creating valuable products that are gentle on the skin. We maintain safety through inspections by third-party organizations and strive to improve functionality and quality so that customers both in Japan and overseas can use our products with peace of mind.
Circular Economy
Initiatives to achieve this goal
We will promote efforts to make effective use of limited resources and recycle them.
Collection, reuse and recycling of towels
The "Towel Collection Initiative" was launched in October 2021 as an initiative to reduce waste by passing towels from those who do not use them to those who do, and to circulate cotton, a renewable natural fiber. We will expand the possibilities for effective use of towels by developing the initiative on both the axis of reuse and recycling.

Reuse Activities

recycling activities
Promoting environmentally friendly product development
With a flexible mindset that sees value in everything, we are promoting the creation of products that utilize items that would normally be discarded or that are difficult to distribute due to reasons such as not meeting the standards. Earth-dyed towels, wine-dyed towels dyed with wine pomace, and tea-dyed towels dyed with pigments extracted from tea leaves that are difficult to distribute have been highly praised at overseas exhibitions as creative and sustainable products.

Organic Cotton "Refine"

Wine, coffee, and tea dyed towels
Sustainable and responsible sourcing of raw materials
Promotion of
We will build cooperative relationships with our suppliers and procure raw materials that take into consideration resource conservation, environmental protection, safety, and human rights.
Promoting the shift to sustainable cotton
The Cotton2040 initiative, a global organization launched to solve environmental and social issues related to the cotton value chain, defines cotton as "cultivated in a manner that minimizes environmental impact while maintaining sustainable levels of production, supporting the livelihoods and communities of producers while addressing long-term environmental constraints and social and economic issues."
In the areas of distribution and sales, we will strengthen our efforts to switch materials and product packaging to natural and plant-based materials.
- ① Reuse cardboard and optimize consolidated shipping to reduce the amount of cardboard used
- We are stepping up our efforts to reduce waste and paper usage by reducing packaging materials.
- ② Switch to environmentally friendly plastic bags
- We are strengthening our efforts to reduce the amount of synthetic resins used in manufacturing and transportation and to switch to more environmentally friendly materials wherever possible.
- 3) Switching to materials made from environmentally friendly paper
- We are strengthening our efforts to switch product materials (tags, boxes, paper bags, etc.) to those made from FSC®-certified (forest certification) paper.
Diversity & Inclusion
Promotion of
By respecting various values and supporting each other, we will promote the creation of an environment where employees can perform well while having a sense of purpose within the organization.
We also aim to create a more inclusive and diverse society by working to solve problems in our daily lives.
Promoting health and productivity management
We respond flexibly to changing values with the times, promote diverse work styles, and create rewarding working environments that enable employees to stay healthy in mind and body and perform at their best.
Promoting social contribution activities
We will focus on all the issues facing our lives and promote activities that connect people's hearts through support activities.
- 1. Support activities for cancer patients
- We have been working with Iwate Hospice Association since 2009. We make towel hats for patients who suffer from hair loss as a side effect of anti-cancer drugs, and donate them to cancer treatment hospitals nationwide. In 2013, we also jointly developed a hat made of marshmallow gauze material that is gentle on the skin. We manufacture and sell the towel hats, and donate 5% of sales as support funds.
- ② Supporting the environment surrounding little babies (low birth weight babies)
- We have been working with the general incorporated association Kurumu since 2022. Currently, approximately one in ten babies is a low birth weight baby. In order to support the creation of an environment where all babies, who represent the future, are blessed and where families and babies are surrounded by smiles, we deliver marshmallow gauze products to medical institutions and local governments.
- 3) Support for areas affected by earthquakes, heavy rains, etc.
- We work with local businesses and organizations to donate towels and other items depending on the situation. Through towels, which are necessary in every aspect of life, we create actions that provide emotional support and promote necessary activities.
- ④ Support for student-led volunteer activities
- We support a variety of student-initiated activities, including repairing homes, primarily in developing countries, and supporting children's dreams through sports.

Through skin-friendly materials
Activities to support cancer patients and their families

Congratulations to the newborn baby and his family
Creating a society where everyone is surrounded by love